Friday, October 18, 2024
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Pakistan ambassador to Belarus attends Mogilev International Economic Forum

Pakistan ambassador to Belarus attends Mogilev International Economic Forum

MOGILEV, BELARUS, OCT 18 /DNA/ – At the invitation of the Chairman of the Executive Committee (Governor) of the Mogilev Region, Ambassador Sajjad Haider Khan of Pakistan attended the Mogilev International Economic Forum on 17 October 2024. The forum’s theme, centered on “import substitution,” aimed to identify alternative suppliers and strengthen connections between manufacturers and consumers from SCO countries.

The Plenary Session, chaired by the Governor of Mogilev and the Governor of the Kaliningrad Region (Russia), attracted over 300 delegates, including government officials, industry leaders, investors, and representatives from various sectors, particularly from SCO member states such as China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Pakistan.

Addressing the Plenary Session, Ambassador Khan emphasized the potential for enhanced Pakistan-Belarus cooperation while highlighting the significance of the SCO, which represents 40% of the global population and 30% of the world’s GDP. He reaffirmed Pakistan’s strong commitment to the SCO and outlined vast opportunities for trade, investment, and cooperation within its framework. He also noted the successful conclusion of the SCO Council of Heads of Government (CHG) Meeting, held in Islamabad on October 15-16, 2024, which was attended by several Heads of Government, including the Prime Minister of Belarus.

During his address, the Ambassador highlighted the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and Belarus, emphasizing the strong ties and recent high-level visits. He shared insights into Pakistan’s potential, underscoring its strategic location, abundant natural and human resources, and vibrant economy. He pointed out opportunities for collaboration in various sectors, including agricultural modernization, textiles, machinery, defense, renewable energy, IT, cybersecurity, education, research, mining, pharmaceuticals, biotech, healthcare, tourism, and transport infrastructure.

Toward the end, the Ambassador underscored Pakistan’s tourism potential and recent visa liberalization, inviting Belarusian citizens to explore the country.

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