Saturday, October 5, 2024
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PCFR organizes seminar on Pakistan’s economic crisis

ISLAMABAD, OCT 23 /DNA/ – Pakistan Council on Foreign Relations (PCFR), Karachi based registered think-tank, organized a seminar on“Pakistan’s Economic Crisis and Foreign Policy Challenges”at a local hotel yesterday. Dr. Shamshad Akhtar Former Federal Minister of Finance & Former Governor State Bank of Pakistan and Ambassador (R) Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry former Foreign Secretary & former Ambassador to the U.S. deliberated on the subject. Ahsan Mukhtar Zubairi Secretary General PCFR greeted the distinguished guests in his welcome address.Addressing the audience, Zuberi maintainedthatsinceindependencePakistanhasfacedanumbereconomicchallenges including soaring foreign debt, trade deficit, inflation, and depreciating currency. Ambassador Shahid M Amin,ChairmanPCFRhighlightedthesignificanceofthesubjectinhisintroductoryremarks.Ambassador Amin said that economy and foreign policy are intrinsically linked with each other. While commenting on foreign policy Ambassador Amin maintained that instead of putting all eggs in one basket we should have multiple foreign policyoptions.

The former Federal Minister of Finance and former Governor SBP, Dr. Shamshad Akhtar shared her thoughts on “Pakistan’s Economic Challenges: Present and Future”.She highlighted the challenges Pakistan has been facing on the economic front for last many years. She stressed upon the need of prudent and skillful economic management to deal with uncertainties and risks Pakistan is exposed to. Ambassador Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry deliberated on “Pakistan’s Foreign PolicyChallengesAmidstEconomicVulnerabilities”.AmbassadorChaudhrymaintainedthatPakistanisfacing anumberforeignpolicychallengesthatincludenavigatingbetweenU.S.-ChinaRivalry,balancingbetween Iran and Saudi Arabia, Modi’s India, unstable Afghanistan, and several non-traditional threats. He also highlightedthatPakistan’seconomicvulnerabilitieshavelimitedtheoptionsfordealingwiththechallenges at foreign policy front. The talks were followed by lively question and answer session. The event was attended by a foreign Consul Generals, businessmen, retired ambassadors, academics, and researchers.

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