Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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Vaccination certificate mandatory for visit to traffic office: SSP

ISLAMABAD, AUG 04 (DNA) – Islamabad Traffic Police (ITP) on Wednesday declared COVID-19 vaccination certificate mandatory during visit to traffic office to attain driving license.

Senior Superintendent of Police (Traffic) Syed Karrar Hussain has urged the people to follow corona virus-related standard operating procedures (SOPs) and get themselves vaccinated against the virus. He said that National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) has also warned that risk is not over due to fourth wave of COVID and those willing to visit ITP office should bring vaccination certificates with them.

In case of non-production of vaccination certificate, the SSP (Traffic) said that staff would provide complete information to the visitors. The use of mask is also compulsory during visit of traffic office, he said and urged the visitors to use sanitizers.

The SSP (Traffic) appealed the citizens to cooperate with ITP in implementation on SOPs as all of us have to make collective effort to remain safe from corona virus. = DNA


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