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Gwadar Int’l Terminals witness significant developments despite COVID-19

ISLAMABAD, Dec. 15 – Despite the ongoing Covid-19 and many othet challenges, the Gwadar International Terminals have made significant developments during 2020, says a report carried by Gwadar Pro on Tuesday.

The management of the terminals (GITL)
proudly mentioned their remarkable achievements during this year. This includes; the first International transshipment of Bulk and containerized cargo, Afghan transit trade of containerized and Bulk cargo, LPG imports etc, said Chairman China Overseas Ports Holding Company Zhang Baozhong.

The GITL has worked together with Pakistan Customs (transit trade directorate), Customs bonded carriers’ association, Customs clearing agents and relevant security agencies to enable the port to excel and transform Gwadar into a preferred port of call to support the high trade volumes in the region said Capt Dai Xiaolong, CEO of GITL.

He further elaborated that Pakistan’s other ports are facing huge congestion due to high traffic of vessels carrying bulk cargoes, which result in delaying the operation and transportation of shipments; thus disturbing the entire supply chain mechanism.

The Port due to its unique geographical position makes it a fast-economical link between land-locked central Asian states and to the rest of the country.

GITL’s economic and efficient facilitates provides enormous opportunities to logistic companies, customs clearing agents and port related businesses.

In the wake of covid-19 port officials have been working closely with industry stakeholders and other Government agencies in taking all necessary precautionary measures to safe guard’s health and safety of personnel involve in port operations and to make sure our stakeholders businesses continue to run efficiently and smoothly.

Now Gwadar port is all set to become the hub of international transshipment which will help the country in earning much needed foreign exchange in near future which also is in line with the vision of Prime Minster of Pakistan to launch first-ever transshipment policy to promote regional economic integration.

The port is expected to add new cargo movements (import of more bulk commodities like coal, wheat, sugar & steal, import of LNG and transported through virtual pipeline, export of clinkers etc.) to increase its cargo handling capacity in millions of tons by 2025.

This will help in earning foreign exchange and will generate many local jobs through various business related activities and will also substantially earn a much needed foreign exchange which country direly need at present.

On 8th December 2020, DAP fertilizer imported from Australia arrived on bulk vessel Strategic Endeavour at Gwadar port to discharge 22,000 tons.

This represents culmination efforts of Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Ministry of Commerce, Gwadar Port Authority (GPA) and Pakistan Customs (in-particular) to continue Afghan Transit Trade in this very important port.

The transit goods for Afghanistan has been gradually normalized at time of world vide Covid-19 pandemic and supply chain challenges which have emerged out of it.

This was the highest discharge rate ever achieved for DAP fertilizers in just over 4 days. The vessel completed discharge of 22,000 tons and sailed from Gwadar port in minimal time due to immediate on-arrival berthing, zero waiting time at Anchorage and efficient handling facilities with highly capacitive terminal structure and logistic services.

This development also reflects the keen interest of our stakeholders to support economic development in Pakistan and in the region.

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