Sunday, September 22, 2024
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73rd anniversary of the United Nations Day celebrated

ISLAMABAD, (DNA) – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the UN country team jointly organized a ceremony at the Foreign Office today to mark the 73rd anniversary of the United Nations.

Speaking on the occasion, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi outlined the Government’s priorities with a particular focus on social and economic development, poverty alleviation, job creation and institutional reforms. Acknowledging the role and contribution of the United Nations in these endeavours, the Foreign Minister expressed Pakistan’s willingness to further build on this partnership.

The Foreign Minister highlighted the seminal role played by Pakistani diplomats in shaping global norms, negotiating international treaties and steering deliberations in the fields of peace, security and development. He also expressed deep appreciation for enduring contribution of Pakistani troops and police personnel to the UN peacekeeping and paid tribute to the 156 Pakistani peacekeepers for rendering the ultimate sacrifice for world peace.

Highlighting that the UN Security Council has been seized of the internationally recognized Jammu and Kashmir dispute for seven decades, the Foreign Minister called upon the Council to act upon its own resolutions and to ensure realization of the inalienable right of Kashmiris to self-determination.

The Foreign Minister also reiterated Pakistan’s call on the Human Rights Council to follow up on the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights’ report by establishing a Commission of Inquiry to investigate the gross and systematic human rights violations in the Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

The UN Resident Coordinator also spoke on the occasion and recounted UN’s activities and programmes in support of Pakistan’s national priorities. The UN Secretary General’s video message was also played on this occasion. A photo exhibition capturing the visual history of Pakistan’s diplomatic engagement at the United Nations since 1947 had also been arranged.

The Foreign Secretary, heads of diplomatic missions and UN agencies, senior civil and military officials, former Pakistani Ambassadors and officers of the Foreign Ministry were present at this event.

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