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Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024


“Beyond Interference: Redefining the Scope of Judicial Protection”

Qamar Bashir

By: Qamar Bashir Chief Justice Qazi Faez Esa, nearing the end of his tenure, chose not to address the complaint filed by six serving judges through the Supreme Judicial Council or by convening a full court of the Supreme Court. Instead, he passed it onto the civilian government, which many perceive as being under the complete influence of the powerful establishment. This decision has been viewed as a missed opportunity to restore judicial independence from the alleged overwhelming control exerted by the establishment, which is often equated with the stateRead More

Gandapur says won’t allow oath-taking on reserved seats


PESHAWAR: After the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) postponed the Senate polls in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur reiterated that they won’t allow lawmakers elected on reserved seats to take an oath. “Those who became [assembly] members illegally will not be allowed to take oath […] We will not compromise on our constitutional right,” Gandapur said while speaking to the media outside the KP Assembly in Peshawar on Tuesday. His remarks come after Senate elections were postponed in the province by the ECP after it was movedRead More