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Monday, August 1st, 2022


PAF relief operations continue in flood affected areas of Balochistan

ISLAMABAD, AUG 1 /DNA/ – Pakistan Air Force is actively participating in rescue and relief operations in flood affected areas of Balochistan. During the operations, PAF helicopter fleet has carried 16,995 pounds of relief goods to the flood affected areas, which were cut off by roads due to torrential rains spell and flash floods. The relief goods which have been airlifted include flour, ghee, sugar, daal, tea and life saving medicines in the calamity hit areas. Despite inclement weather conditions throughout the country especially in the flood stricken areas, PAFRead More

Applications for the UK Government’s Chevening Scholarships Open Aug 2

ISLAMABAD, AUG 1 /DNA/ – Applications for Chevening Scholarships to study in the UK are open between 2 August and 1 November 2022, with applications to be submitted via Chevening Scholarships are awarded to individuals from all backgrounds who can demonstrate that they have the leadership potential, commitment and skills required to create positive change. The scholarship offers full financial support for scholars to study for any eligible master’s degree at any UK university whilst also gaining access to a wide range of exclusive academic, professional, and cultural experiences. SinceRead More

PLA, Pak Army brothers in arms; our relationship to continue safeguard collective interests: COAS

DNA RAWALPINDI, AUG 1: Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa while celebrating the 95th anniversary of the founding of Chinese Peoples’ Liberation Army (PLA) on Monday said the PLA and Pakistan Army are brothers in arms and our relationship will continue to contribute towards safeguarding our collective interests. The Army Chief was the chief guest on the commemoration ceremony of the 95th Anniversary of the founding of the PLA held at the General Headquarters (GHQ) where Ambassador of China Nong Rong, officials from the Chinese Embassy andRead More

PAF urges nation to avoid aerial firing to prevent aircraft damages

DNA ISLAMABAD, AUG 1: The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) on Monday released a public awareness message urging the masses to avoid aerial firing on festivities and joyous occasions that poses risk to the security and safety of the pilots, precious aircraft and fighter jets. The awareness message issued by the PAF Spokesman with a brief video message of over a minute stressed the people to play their role as responsible countrymen in protecting the invaluable assets of the Pakistan Air Force that used to get affected due to aerial firing.Read More

PM orders strict action over unavailability of food to flood victims

DNA QILA SAIFULLAH, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Monday ordered strict action against the provincial administration over negligence in ensuring the availability of food and drinking water at the tent city set up to accommodate the flood-affected people. The prime minister issued the directive during his visit to the tent city in the Khusnob area of Qila Saifullah district, saying that negligence over relief and rescue operations would not be tolerated. Talking to journalists, PM Sharif expressed regret over the plight of displaced persons who faced unavailability of edible itemsRead More