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Sunday, November 29th, 2020


Post-corona age: Garment industry calls for launching ‘digital market policy’ to spur exports

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Readymade Garments Manufacturers & Exporters Association (PRGMEA) on Sunday appreciated the efforts of Pakistan Customs to develop an e-commerce automated clearance facility in collaboration with the Sate Bank, saying the move will prove to be very effective for SMEs, helping them promote their business, especially in era of post-corona economic slowdown. In an awareness program PRGMEA Central chairman Sohail A. Sheikh and Chief Coordinator Ijaz Khokhar, briefed the members about e-commerce clearance facility developed recently by the Customs department of the Federal Board of Revenue. Sohail A.Read More

Chairman NAB takes notice of Saleem Mandviwalla’s allegations

ISLAMABAD : Chairman National Accountability Bureau (NAB) Justice retired Javed Iqbal on Sunday has directed not to take any further action against Deputy Chairman Senate Saleem Mandviwalla before considering all legal elements of the case. The directions were issued by the chairman NAB after taking notice of allegations leveled by Mr. Mandviwalla in a presser earlier in the day, said a declaration issued by the anti-graft body. Justice retired Javed Iqbal has sought a complete record of the concerned case. The declaration further said that the anti-graft watchdog respects allRead More

MDCAT 2020 results would be announced in 10 days: PMC

KARACHI: The result of today’s Medical and Dental College Admission Test (MDCAT 2020) would be announced in the next 10 days, a top official of the Pakistan Medical Commission (PMC) told that. Vice-President PMC Barrister Ali Raza said that over 125,000 aspiring candidates had registered for the MDCAT 2020 held today across Pakistan. “Only 138 students informed the PMC about them being COVID-19 positive and we will take their exam on December 13,” the PMC official said. The PMC will finalise the MDCAT results in the next 7 to 10Read More

Biden administration will be a bigger problem for China than Trump administration: Jim O’Neill

LONDON, NOV 29  – Joe Biden’s presidency will be a bigger problem for the Chinese government than Donald Trump’s nearly four-year presidency, economist Jim O’Neill, chairman of the British research institute Chatham House, told. Trump has taken a different approach to US-China relations by unilaterally imposing tariffs on Beijing. The US president has often criticized China on Twitter and sparked a trade war with China that has had a negative effect on the global economy. This policy differs greatly from the European approach, for example, which often negotiates trade disputes withRead More

NZ Health Ministry provides update on ‘two COVID-19 positive’ Pakistan players

Karachi : New Zealand Health Ministry has stated on Sunday that two of the six initial COVID-19 positive cases in the Pakistan squad are no longer infectious. The national squad also underwent serology Tests along with routine PCR testing for the COVID-19 virus yesterday. “Following serology (blood) testing, two of the original six positive cases are now considered to be historic cases and are therefore not infectious,” the NZ health ministry said in its media release. The media release further said that 11 individuals return positive serology due to havingRead More

Suicide car bomb kills 30 Afghan security personnel

KABUL – A suicide car bomber struck an army base in Afghanistan on Sunday, killing at least 30 security personnel, officials said, in one of the bloodiest attacks in recent months. The attack occurred on the outskirts of Ghazni city, capital of the eastern province of Ghazni, which has seen regular fighting between the Taliban and government forces. It came as the government and Taliban are engaged in peace talks to end the war in the impoverished country that has killed tens of thousands of people in nearly two decades.Read More