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Monday, September 17th, 2018


CPEC projects should be transparent; in benefit of Pakistan: Japan ambassador

Japan interview / BY ANSAR MAHMOOD BHATTI ISLAMABAD, SEPT 17 (DNA) – Ambassador of Japan Takashi Kurai has said as a long-term friend of Pakistan, Japan supports and wishes to contribute further to the development of Pakistan. In this respect, Japan sincerely hopes that the CPEC projects are to be implemented for the benefit of Pakistan and believes at the same time that for the CPEC to be fully beneficial to Pakistan, they should be based on principles of transparency, economic viability, rule of law, following the international standards. TheRead More

Apex Court summons Punjab Minister at 2 pm

ISLAMABAD (DNA) The Supreme court of Pakistan has summoed Punjab chief minster Usman Buzdar  at 2 pm in DPO transfer case. This morning the former IG Punjab kaleem Imam submitted his inqurity report. The CPF trashed the reprot saying it is just piece of dsicarded paper. He said he had vested trunt in him that he would come up with a balanced inqurity report but he has tried to save one person at the altar of his own police force.